
Lovely repeat dog toys

Lovely repeat dog toys made by Dongguan Proud Plastic Electronic Factory

Lovely talking dog toys, Lovely repeat dog toys

1, he can repeat what you say 2, head will moving up and down when talking 3, cheap factory price

Introducing the world's first talking dog! Press his paw, speak to him, and he will repeat anything you say, even moving his mouth in a realistic way. He chooses how to reply, in a high or low voice causing hilarity all round, especially when the voice is inappropriate to the sentiment being expressed. He has soft rounded features in plush furry fabric and comes in three attractive colour combinations. This gorgeous little hamster is such a chatty animal, at social gatherings. he very definitely steals the show! Dongguan proud Plastic Electronic Factory's toy had sold to Target  Store
Dongguan Proud Plastic Electronic Factory’s email is toymodule@hotmail.com,and the website are http://www.lhtoygift.com/



